A Memorable Event for Everyone!
Lansdowne is home to the historic Lansdowne Fair that has been in operation since 1864. The Lansdowne Fair Grounds come alive during the annual fun-filled three-day agricultural fair in July. Horse Shows, Home Craft Exhibits, Music, Midway, Petting Zoo, Home Cooked Meals, Vendors, Demo Derby, Truck and Tractor Pulls, and contests galore take you into ‘good ole’ country fair mode.

Our dedicated volunteers work year-round to help make our fair a memorable event for everyone. Please contact us if you are interested in assisting with our fair. It is a great way to integrate into the community. Email lasinfo@1000island.net, call 613-659-2124, or visit our office during the fair at 1186 Prince St in Lansdowne. Visit us on Facebook at Lansdowne Fair, and on our website at www.lansdownefair.ca. You’ll be glad that you did!!