Are you considering relocating to a country setting, one with amenities at your finger tips? Lansdowne and the surrounding community may be the perfect location for you and your family. Lansdowne is conveniently situated between Brockville and Kingston, with easy travelling routes between these urban areas.

Country Charm
Lansdowne has a country flavour with natural settings, and a relaxing, peaceful atmosphere. If you are so inclined, there are always many events and activities in which to participate. A number of organizations and active groups have engaged volunteers that keep Lansdowne vibrant and wholesome.
The Lansdowne area is noted for its natural environment, and being located within the Frontenac Arch Biosphere, its scenic beauty can be enjoyed by all. Surrounding the village, one is immersed in farm field experiences – planting, growing and harvesting. Charleston Lake to the north, and the St Lawrence River to the south beckon campers, hikers, boaters and nature lovers.
Modern Services
Although Lansdowne is a small village, it has its own water and sewer system. Housing costs are reasonable with a variety of types of homes from which to choose. Jerry Park is located near the Community Building and Library, and promotes active living with sports fields, a splash pad, tennis courts and a playground. The library has a recreational section, housing many types of sports equipment that can be borrowed – just like a book.
An active Seniors’ Club, meets on a regular basis, and welcomes newcomers. Several fitness programs geared to different levels of activity are available during the daytime and evening.
A well staffed medical center and pharmacy are located within walking distance of most homes. The modern, high performing, Thousand Islands Elementary School is located within the village boundaries and offers classes from Junior Kindergarten to Grade Six, and a French Immersion program. Students from Grades Seven to Twelve are bussed to Gananoque Intermediate and Secondary School (GISS), only minutes away. St Joseph Catholic School is located in Gananoque, and offers classes from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8, and bussing is provided.

Something for Everyone
Here are some of the many amenities that are available to residents who live in the Lansdowne Community. Perhaps this is a move that you have been waiting for.
Refer to our Municipal website for the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands choose, Living, A to Z Services, Business Directory. Lansdowne is a family friendly village. Below is a sampling of the many services:
- Elementary School
- Medical Centre
- Post Office
- Grocery Stores
- Garage
- Gas Station
- Restaurants
- Sports Facilities
- Splash Pad
- Playground
- Library Services
- Laundromat
- Cannabis Shop
- Hair Salon
- Second Hand Store
- Antique Store
- Lansdowne Rural Telephone Co – full high
speed internet service - LCBO
- Construction Workers
- Funeral Home
- Municipal Water & Sewer
- Day Care Facility
- Veterinary Services
- Churches
- General Store